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Discover our passion of flax during our industrial tourism visits

Terre de lin is involved in industrial tourism.

The story started 12 years ago. The farmers of the cooperative board decided to open the doors to the visitors.

The fact was that even neighborhood knew few things about flax and linen.

The visits are animated by farmers and staff of scutching mills. They are all passionate about flax because this plant represents an important part of their life. Some of them are retired people, others are still active.  They are all volunteers and the benefit of the visit is used for charitable purposes for Terre de lin’ staff.

They make the visitors discover all steps for fields to fiber and present flax and linen actor organization until the end-consumers.

The visit begin by a video to present flax cultivation , scutching and hackling process. This video always initiate a lot of questions from the visitors. The main topics are flax environment friendly culture, high technicity aspect of this crop, the importance of the weather, flax outlets.

The visitors discover how flax is niche sector, representing only 0.7% of textile market.

Then they go to visit our mill to learn more about scutching and hackling. It is the time to touch fibers, to understand how the quality and the vintage influence of each year.

At the end, each visitor is leaving with a piece of long hair looking hackled sliver flax as a souvenir.

Each year Terre de lin receives 2 500 visitors all along the year. The visits are located in two mills : Saint Pierre le viger, Seine maritime and Routot, Eure.

The major event is Terre de lin’s open days during the artistic fiber festival hold this year on 06 and 07 July 2018.