Farmer’s point of view about Terre de Lin cooperative
My name is Laurence Quenel. I have been member of Terre de Lin for 30 years.
Previously, my parents have been cultivating flax and dispatching their production half part to a private scutching mill and second half part to a cooperative scutching mill.
I decided to work only with the cooperative Terre de Lin due to several factors:
- We get more security and transparency about our production and its valorization
- It is a fair system
- The cooperative is owned by the farmers, it is a prolongation of every members’ farm
10 years ago, I decided to stand for the election as a member of the executive board. The board is composed of 23 farmers.
I wanted to get more involved on the strategic decision of Terre de Lin. As member of the board :
- I take part to the strategic decision of Terre de Lin and I follow up all the projects until their achievement.
- We take into consideration all the issues that can be encountered in various kinds of farms in all Terre de Lin’s cultivating regions
- There is a great openness
The differences between the members is a huge richness and it is a part of Terre de lin’s strength.
I am proud of the cooperative development above all for :
- ComLin union for flax fibers selling unique organisation we established with our partners
- All the sustainable projects we are now working on.